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Doraville City Council Candidate Forum

jue 20 de oct


Online Webinar

Join us for an informed discussion with each of the candidates for District 1, Post 3. This is a special election to fill the remainder of former City Council Member Morris's term. Webinar details: Join via Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 3088 9370

Doraville City Council Candidate Forum
Doraville City Council Candidate Forum

Time & Location

20 oct 2022, 6:00 p.m.

Online Webinar

About the Event

Two candidates qualified to fill the remainder of Rebekah Cohen Morris' term: Warren Simmons and Trish Thompson. Every registered voter in the city will have the opportunity to vote in this election at the same time they vote in the governor and senate races.  Check out the candidates and their platforms to make an informed position. This is a critical time as the council works to secure the city's future.

Webinar details:

Join via Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 3088 9370

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