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도라빌 상공회의소 소개

도라빌 상공회의소는 지역사회의 경제적 번영을 증진하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 2021년 하반기에 출범한 우리 상공회의소는 생각 리더십, 혁신적인 비즈니스 해법, 교육적인 자원, 공동의 이니셔티브를 추구하는 토대를 마련하고자 합니다.

도라빌의 여러 가지 새로운 투자 프로젝트들이 가시권 안에 들어와 있는 지금이야말로 새로운 비즈니스와 일자리 창출자들이 우리 도시의 혁신적인 변화의 일부로 자리매김할 수 있는 최적의 시간입니다. 스스로의 강점과 다양한 문화권으로부터의 영향력을 탑재한 우리 도시의 상업은 앞으로 경험해 나갈 역동적인 발전을 선도할 것입니다. 

여러분의 사업에 투자하십시오. 그리고 우리의 도시에 투자하십시오.

도라빌 상공회의소의 설립 회원이 되셔서 변화를 주도하고 우리 도시의 성장에 기여하는 데 함께 해 주십시오.


Join with other local Atlanta businesses and share in one common vision for the future of Doraville. The Chamber is bringing each of our diverse communities together to form a united organization that benefits all of our businesses, current and future. Be a part of overcoming challenges and identifying opportunities that could improve your business and help clear the path to prosperity for our city.

Member meeting with local developer, Insignia.

Member meeting with local developer, Insignia

General Body Meeting round table discussion with city leaders.

Round table with city officials


We represent Doraville's business community and provide the support you need to help your business prosper and grow. From supplying up-to-date information on policies that could affect your business, to collaborating with our local government on issues and resources, we aim to sharpen our competitive edge within DeKalb County and the Southeast. 


Leading programs that boost engagement between business and community is essential to our success. When joined together, we have a much stronger voice than one business alone. The Doraville Chamber of Commerce acts as a catalyst and champion to promote business networking and community involvement. 

On tour at Advantage Graphics & Signs

On tour at Advantage Graphics & Signs

Guest speaker at member meeting discussing finance topics for small businesses

Guest speaker on financial information for small business


Our goal is to develop a variety of programs and events to educate, inform, and connect our members. From networking and thought leadership to educational seminars and think tanks, we want to focus on the issues immediately affecting our business community and concentrate on topics that will help us reach our future goals.  

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